Zuid Amerika
Argentina 01-06-2002
Route Argentina
Buenos Aires 07-06-2002
Salta 29-05-2002
Route Chili
Chili 29-05-2002
Route Bolivia
Uyuni 30-05-2002
La Paz 29-05-2002
Route Peru
Puno 29-05-2002
Arequipa 03-05-2002
Colca 21-04-2002
Intermezzo 19-04-2002
Nazca 11-04-2002
Ica 11-04-2002
Lima 11-04-2002
Huaraz 11-04-2002
Trujillo 03-04-2002
Route Equador
Cuenca 11-04-2002
Panacocha 26-03-2002
Saquisili 31-03-2002
Quilotoa 26-03-2002
Banos 07-03-2002
Isla de Plata 25-02-2002
Suus and Bas in South America
VISIT OUR NEW PORTAL AT suusenbasopreis.tripod.com

YEAH, Bas and Suzanne awfully happy again! Two days ago we became the very happy owners of a new functioning laptop. This because of Peter's and most of all Pleun's efforts, thanks guys! As a result, from now on (19th of May) you can expect interesting things again. We will also once in a while again write in English. So stay online!

On this web site you can see where Bas and Suzanne have been hanging out since the 18th of February of 2002. We'll show you what we have been doing and which route we've been taking. The route is shown on a map for each country. You can visit a country by selecting the apropriate link at the left side of this page. The maps have been made clickable. This means that you can reach our travel stories in two different ways: by selecting a certain destination on one of the country's maps or by immediately selecting a destination on the left side of the homepage (the list with all the links).

The dates in the links signify when a story has been uploaded (or when we added the pictures), so it doesnt mean the date when we were actually there. However, the links are put in chronological order according to destination. This means that our most recent destination will be put on top of the list. Later on the pictures will be added, so it's worth to check out a page again even if you already read the story. As an indicator you can use the upload date. If you want to read about other continents that we visited, go to



Last update: 07-06-2002 from Lop Buri, Thailand
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