Sunday, September 22nd 2002 



Guatemala Honduras
Nicaragua Costa Rica
Panama Equador
Peru Bolivia
Chili Argentina
USA Thailand
Mianmar Malaysia
Cambodia Laos


Thai Cooking Course:

Although you'll not find Thailand in our top-5 list of countries visited, it definitely was the best place for food. In order to be able to eat the same dishes at home we followed a cooking course in Chiang Mai. The Baan Thai cooking school might be a nice place for doing something different.

The Boatlanding Guesthouse:

Before leaving Laos by canoe we stayed at The Boat Landing Guesthouse in Luang Nam Tha. The people that are managing the place have an interesting and responsible attitude towards tourism and are showing locals how to profit from tourism without parting from traditional values to much. Besides that it was a very pleasant place to stay.

Thuisblijvers op vakantie:

While checking out the news on the NRC (Dutch newspaper) web site, we found some really interesting 'holiday destinations' for people who stay at home. The site basically deals with language- and word jokes, so it's not really adequate for non-Dutch. Especially Borneo and Thailand might be destinations you wouldn't want to miss when visiting the Netherlands.

Simon Sharpless:

"The Bayon", the local Cambodian Phnom Penh expat magazine, turned out to be a pleasant pastime while sipping Chardonnay in the Foreign Correspondents Club. We found a website of one of the authors with nice pictures and stories about South East Asia, including a column about comparing Amsterdam to Phnom Penh .


Choose, (information for travellers, A-Z) for a list of diseases travellers may succumb to. Suzanne thought it to be one of the better sites giving information about Dengue fever.

Wat Thamkrabok:

When we were staying in Lop Buri, Thailand we saw a picture of a nice monastery and decided to pay it a visit. There we met Monk Gordon from Manhattan, New York. He opened our eyes towards the true nature of the place and gave us some buddhist insights. The monks were all old mercenaries now devoted to getting addicts back to normal life. Get to know the place (if you want to get rid of your addictions :-) at:


Travelling in the USA, and especially trying to find cheap accommodation is not as easy as it is in the rest of the America's. We checked the internet and found that gave the best results.


Since we bought a one-way ticket from Amsterdam to Guatemala we still had to search for airline tickets for the rest of our trip around the world. Actually wherever we stayed we spent quite some time sorting out from which locations reasonably priced tickets would be available, and how these locations could be fitted into our travel itinerary. Local travel agencies actually always quoted better prices than what we found on the internet. Among the best links we found are:
Unfortunately the last link only accepts USA-issued creditcards.

Dorien en Henk:

In Salta, Argentina we met a Dutch couple in an internet place. They told us that a few hours ago Pim Fortuyn, an extreme right Dutch politician was murdered. Although not much more information was exchanged, we were able to swap e-mail addresses.
You can visit their site at:

Jeroen Uittenboogaard:

In Pisco, Peru there are a lot of small travel agencies, all trying to sell you trips to the Balastas islands. One of them tried to impress us with a printed webpage in Dutch, and a tape with a message of the author of the site. We didn't book a trip with the agent, but remembered the address of the site. As a matter of fact we borrowed some of the pictures of the site since our camera broke down while visiting the islands.
You can visit his site at:

Ana Maria Pino Jordan:

Puno, Peru. A nice place to drink coffee. Lots of pictures and books from the Netherlands.
You can visit the site at:

Paul & Mijo:

In Granada, Nicaragua we met a girl from Sweden who made her own internet cafe in a beautiful old and typical colonial building. We also swapped books.
Their site gives a good impression of granada:




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